What is the Student Advisory Board?The Student Advisory Board was formed in 1996 as a way to strengthen the Chamber’s relationship with the schools while developing the students’ interest, involvement and leadership in their community. The board consists of approximately twenty high school students. Meetings are held every third Thursday of the month. Meetings will deal with group agenda and upcoming events – but may also feature tours and guest speakers who are familiar with different programs in Fayetteville and Lincoln County or tours of local businesses and industry.
The student board will also be asked to volunteer at Chamber sponsored functions throughout the year – thereby familiarizing them with different programs and leadership opportunities in Fayetteville and Lincoln County. Student Board Members may be asked to volunteer at the Chamber from time to time. Points will be awarded for volunteer hours.
** Points - The board members will work on a point system throughout the year. Points for different activities will be awarded based upon participation. The board member who has accumulated the most points at the end of the year will be rewarded with a $500.00 leadership scholarship.
**Meetings – As mentioned earlier, the meetings will be held every third Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Board Members will be reminded of the meetings and notified of any change in location about a week prior to the meeting. While the Chamber recognizes that circumstances sometimes will arise that can prevent a member from attending a meeting, attendance is very important in order for a member to be aware of all of the upcoming activities and to fulfill their responsibility to plan ahead for these meetings.
** Officers and Committees - The Board will elect the following officers – President, Vice-President and Secretary and Photographer. Officers may be asked to help organize meetings and programs. Officers may also be asked to organize & contact board members per any special events.
Basic Guidelines to RememberAttendance - As there are only 8 meetings in the board year September—April. Meeting attendance is expected. To be fair, if three meetings are missed the board member is forfeited.
If a meeting is missed - Please let the Chamber know in advance if you are unable to attend a meeting. When a meeting is missed it is your responsibility to contact an officer in order to keep current with events.
Points - Volunteer points will be capped for the last 3 weeks leading up to the last SAB meeting in order to prevent a last minute rush for points.
Volunteer/Leadership Opportunities - Again these are open to all on an equal basis. It is ultimately up to each member to ask about these opportunities. In general, most volunteer opportunities are at the end of the month when the Chamber newsletter is due to be folded and labeled.
Contact - Chamber phone number is 433.1234; email address is
flcchamber@fpunet.com Please feel free to call or email anytime with questions.
Point SystemAttending Monthly Meetings – 20 Points per meeting: An additional 5 points for wearing SAB T-Shirt. Board Members must attend the mandatory meetings. These meetings are held to discuss ongoing/future projects as well as to learn of volunteer opportunities to earn points. Failure to do so may result in loss of placement on the Student Advisory Board. Emergency situations, which will be left up to the SAB Advisor, will be excused. The SAB will vote on a President, Vice-President, Photographer, and Secretary during the initial board meeting.
Attending Chamber Membership Banquet – 20 Points Per Hour: The annual Membership Banquet is held in October each year and will be after school hours. This event is slated to honor our Chamber members and thank them for the support they provide throughout the year.
Volunteer at any Chamber sponsored event – 20 points per hour: There will be several events through the year where SAB assistance is needed. The larger events will be Host of Christmas Past, held the second weekend in November, the Slawburger Festival, held the second Saturday in April. Other events will be discussed in monthly meetings.
Volunteering at the Chamber office – 20 points per hour: Each SAB member is encouraged to check in weekly with Chamber staff Commerce Board of Directors. Students may not accumulate more than 20 points per week the last three weeks leading up to the last SAB meeting. This prevents a “last minute rush” for points and is unfair to board members that have earned points throughout their entire term. Please note volunteer opportunities are on a “first come, first serve” basis. BONUS 25!! points apply when a student volunteers on a regular basis, once a week, basis for a minimum of four weeks
Volunteering through other community events – 20 points per hour: The Chamber wants to encourage you to play an active role in our community and develop your leadership and community-minded skills. If you devote time to other nonprofit organizations, churches, programs, fundraisers, or causes focused on Lincoln County, we feel you should get credit for it. Volunteer forms are in your SAB notebook. Additional forms are available at the chamber office. Someone affiliated with the organization, who is a non-relative, will need to sign the form to verity your assistance. Paying jobs are not eligible.
Attending Community Meetings 25 points per hour
You are encouraged to attend a Board of Mayor and Alderman, County Commission, City School Board and County School Board or Riverside Christian Academy Board meeting during your time on the board. These meetings are held each month; this is to learn how local governments and education systems work in our community. Have an official in attendance sign off on your Community Volunteer form.
Please Note:
* The scholarship is not limited to seniors. Students must have a minimum of 500 points to be eligible for the scholarship.
* Juniors must have a minimum of 400 points to be eligible to
re-apply to the Student Advisory Board the following school year.
Applications available at
- Lincoln County High School
- Riverside Christian Academy
- Fayetteville High School
- Home School Students (Contact the Chamber)
Fayetteville/Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce
208 South Elk Avenue, Fayetteville, TN